The Board approved the 2023-2024 Budget at their December 20th meeting. As discussed at the AGM, there is a deficit expected due to reduced grant funding and participation in events. The Board and management are making significant efforts to manage the deficit including downsizing the staff and office space. You can find the budget HERE.

Green Thumb Nurseries

Growers of quality nursery stock. Specializing in rhodos, grafted conifers, Japanese maples in container and B&B. Shipping throughout Canada and USA


Contact: Gerhard Gerke / Jarrett Gerke / Kyle Gerke
Email Gerhard Gerke / Jarrett Gerke / Kyle Gerke

Phone: (250) 758-0808
Visit Green Thumb Nurseries >>

Support BCLNA Members

Fraser Valley Equipment Ltd.


Contact: John Dunn
Email John Dunn

Phone: (604) 590-1433
Visit Fraser Valley Equipment Ltd. >>