This page contains important information on the 2023-2024 eradication response.
BCLNA has partnered with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and the cities of Vancouver, Burnaby, and Port Coquitlam to provide this complimentary technical session about the 2024 Japanese Beetle eradication program.
The recording, slides, and Q&A portion can be found below.
Garden Centres In or Near the Regulated Areas
CFIA will be contacting garden centres directly. Updated guidelines will be posted once finalized.
Japanese beetle (Popilla japonica) is an invasive, regulated pest under the Plant Protection Act, which feeds on the roots of turf grass and the foliage of more than 300 plant species. This pest could cause serious harm to BC’s agricultural sector and ecosystem, and could cause significant damage to food crops, lawns, landscapers, golf courses, gardens and parks.
Japanese beetle was first detected in the False Creek area of Vancouver in July 2017. Since the initial detection, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has participated in a multi-partner eradication response to limit the spread of the pest into other parts of BC, to successfully eradicate its presence, and to maintain BC’s pest-free regulatory status. The response partners include:
- BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
- City of Vancouver
- Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation
- Invasive Species Council of British Columbia (ISCBC)
- British Columbia Landscape and Nursery Association (BCLNA)
- Metro Vancouver Regional District (MVRD)
- City of Burnaby
- City of Coquitlam
- City of Port Coquitlam
- City of Richmond
- Other industry organizations and associations
The Japanese beetle (JB) eradication response in British Columbia (BC) is entering Year Six (Y6) during fiscal year 2023 – 2024 (FY 2023/24). During Year Five of the response (FY 2022/23), a small number of Japanese beetles were detected outside of the Burnaby and Vancouver, British Columbia (BC) regulated areas (RAs). The number of beetles found continues to be low, and indicates that the JB population is continuing to decrease in the original Vancouver regulated area, however, the geographic spread of the Year Five detections may present a number of challenges for the response going forward.
The overall number of detections continue to decrease significantly when compared to the 8276 beetles detected in 2018, but 2022 distribution trends may present a challenge. This is the highest number of Japanese beetles found outside of a regulated area since a RA was first established in Vancouver in 2018. The number, sex and locations of the Japanese beetles detected within the City of Port Coquitlam indicate a satellite population of JB has been established.
2021 BC Japanese beetle survey report
In the fall of 2022, the Province of BC issued Treatment Orders to the Cities of Burnaby, Port Coquitlam and Vancouver for areas surrounding the detections. Dry weather conditions limited the treatment applications to areas with irrigated turf. Untreated areas may result in additional detections being reflected in the detections numbers during 2023 surveillance.
Regulated Area
Interactive Map– type in your postal code or street address to identify whether you are in a Japanese beetle regulated area.
Based on the number and locations of the detections, the boundaries of the current regulated areas have been reviewed for FY 2023/24, and will include areas within the Cities of Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and Vancouver.
This is in response to an increase in the detections of Japanese beetle found within these areas, and was made at the recommendation of the British Columbia Plant Protection Advisory Council (BCPPAC).
Movement Restrictions
Until further notice, the CFIA is restricting the movement of plants with soil and soil-related material attached that is infested or likely to be infested with Japanese beetle, in accordance with the Phytosanitary requirements to prevent the spread of Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica, in Canada and the United States (D-96-15).
A CFIA-issued movement certificate is required to move these items out of the regulated areas. This restriction is in effect year-round, and is intended to reduce the risk of unintentional human-assisted spread of the beetle.
Soil and plants parts (including green waste from pruning or grass clippings) will no longer be regulated.
Changes have been put into place to focus efforts on to the highest-risk pathway for the beetle to spread, which is plants with soil or compost material attached.
Until further notice, the following restrictions are in effect:
- The movement of plants with soil attached out of a Japanese beetle regulated area is restricted year-round.
A CFIA-issued movement certificate is required to move all the regulated articles listed above outside of a regulated area.
CFIA Guidance for the movement of plants, plant parts and soil leaving a Japanese beetle-regulated area located within British Columbia.
Regulated Articles | Time of Year | Examples | Movement Certificate Required? |
Plants and plant parts with soil attached | Year round | Potted plants, turfgrass, sod, ornamental grasses, raked plant debris with soil | Yes |
Plants and plant parts with no soil attached (above ground) | June 15 – October 15 | Grass clippings, pruning waste and branches with leaves attached | No |
Plants and plant parts with no soil attached (above ground) | January 1 - June 14, October 16 - December 31 | Grass clippings, pruning waste and branches with leaves attached | No |
Soil | Year round | No |
Table extracted from 4.0, Movement Requirements for regulated articles leaving the regulated area, CFIA’s Guidance for the movement of plants, plant parts and soil leaving a Japanese beetle regulated area located within BC
Apply for a Movement Certificate
- Contact the CFIA for questions regarding movement certificates: by email or call 604-292-5742
- Please allow for up to one week to be issued a movement certificate
- Review the instructions under Appendix 2 of the Guidance for the movement of plants, plant parts and soil leaving a Japanese beetle regulated area located within British Columbia
Multi-Use Movement Certificates – See Section 5.4 of CFIA’s Guidance document
You may be eligible for an annual multi-use movement certificate if you live or work in a regulated area, or manage multiple worksites situated within a regulated area, AND need to regularly or frequently transport regulated articles to a location outside of the same regulated area (e.g. an approved deep burial site, treatment site, transfer station, retail location or other site). Please contact the CFIA prior to beginning work, as needs will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Once issued, you will be provided with a list of conditions which must be met on all movements. You will also be expected to maintain a movement control log to record the movement of all regulated articles outside of a regulated area.
Best Management Practices for Landscapers
Follow these best practices to prevent the spread of Japanese beetle:
- Leave it local whenever possible!
- Don’t move soil, plants and green waste outside of the regulated area, unless you have a CFIA-issued Movement Certificate!
- Follow all movement restrictions when working in the regulated area.
- Use local municipal green bins to dispose of plant material that cannot be stored on site.
- Separate plants with soil from plants without it!
- Tarp your load properly to prevent beetles from flying out! Watch this video from the Invasive Species Council of BC (ISCBC) for tips.
- Thoroughly clean gardening and lawn care equipment regularly – Clean soil from all equipment and tools, including lawn mowers, aerating and power raking equipment, especially if you intend to use these items at another location or job site.
- Check your clothing, equipment and vehicles for hitchhiker beetles! Japanese beetles can even hitch a ride on your work boots!
- Know before you go!
- Understand the legal requirements and get a CFIA-issued movement certificate in advance!
- Take the most direct route to the nearest approved transfer station.
- Keep a map of the regulated area in all crew trucks for easy reference.
- Ensure your stops are within transfer station hours.
- Consolidate loads when inside the regulated area to reduce the number of trips required.
- Some fees may apply. Have an accepted payment method ready.
Disposal Options
A CFIA-issued movement certificate is legally required to move all regulated articles outside of a regulated area. This includes movement to a transfer station or disposal site that is located outside of a regulated area.
It is recommended to use on-site municipal green waste bins when possible. There are two transfer stations accepting regulated articles from the regulated areas:
4855 Still Creek Drive
Burnaby, BC Canada
Hours of operation: Mon – Sun 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Vancouver South Transfer Station (Kent Street)
377 West Kent Ave North
Vancouver, BC Canada
Hours of operation: Mon – Fri 5:30 am – 7:00 pm, Sat-Sun 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Standard tipping fees apply.
* The Burnaby Eco-Centre will only accept green waste from the Burnaby regulated area
** The North Shore Transfer Station does not accept green waste from any Japanese beetle regulated area
Treatment for Japanese beetle is coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (MAFF). The 2023 treatment response will consist of a single larvicide treatment (Acelepryn) of turfgrass on public and private lands. Four foliar applications of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. galleriae (Btg), a biological insecticide will be applied to landscape beds in areas with adult beetles through mid-summer.
The cities will coordinate treatment of public lands (city parks, boulevards, etc.) and treatment of private lands will be coordinated by the cities, licensed applicators and the Ministry.
Costs of this treatment within the Treatment Area are covered by the Province and the project partners. If you have clients residing in the Treatment Area who require treatment of their private land that you will perform for them, please contact the BCLNA.
Letter to private landowners – City of Vancouver 2022
Letter to private landowners- City of Burnaby 2022
Letter to private landowners – City of Port Coquitlam 2022
One of the enforcement options is to issue an Administrative Monetary Penalty (AMP), which is a Notice of Violation with either a warning or a penalty. Penalties for individuals can range from $500 to $1,300, and from $1,300 to $10,000 for violations committed during the course of business.
To learn more, please visit:
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA):
- Province of BC:
- City of Burnaby:
- City of Vancouver:
- Invasive Species Council of BC (ISCBC):
- BC Plant Protection Advisory Council:
Specimen Trees Wholesale Nurseries Ltd.
Pitt Meadows
Contact: Sharon Johnsen Howkins
Email Sharon Johnsen Howkins
Phone: (604) 465-7122
Visit Specimen Trees Wholesale Nurseries Ltd. >>