The strength of our industry lies in the hundreds of hours given by so many of our dedicated members. Every year, BCLNA honors members who have made significant contributions to the Industry.
Presented To:
2017 BCLNA Supplier of the Year Award
TerraLink Horticulture Inc.
Sponsor: Pan American Nursery Products Inc.
TerraLink Horticulture has been part of the farming community since 1973, TerraLink first took root as a fertilizer supplier under the name Coast Agri Crop Supplies.
TerraLink is a leading manufacturer and retailer of crop input products in Western Canada. They provide farmers, production managers and professional growers with a wide range of fertilizers, seeds, crop protection products, growing media and hard goods and are a great supporter of BCLNA.
2017 BCLNA Garden Communicator of the Year Award
Frank Shang
Sponsor: Clearview Horticultural Products
Frank is a Landscape Industry Certified technician who communicates relevant issues on landscape horticulture through various social networks bringing the Canadian Chinese and BC landscape communities together. He has been a guest on “Leisure Talk” and “Talentvision”, both culturally diverse programs produced by Fairchild Media. Frank is a regular guest on Fairchild Radio FM96.1 “Question & Answer” program answering gardening and landscaping questions. Frank writes a landscape column for Canadian City Style-SingTao Daily.
2017 BCLNA Member of the Year Award
Garfield Marshall
Sponsor: Pine Meadows Tree Farms Ltd.
Garfield guided BCLNA back onto its financial feet, provided funding for bringing in a political strategist, attend virtually all the board meetings and always provides his opinion based on his vast business experience. He always makes time to talk to members about whatever needs to be discussed, and is looking out for the long term betterment of BCLNA.
2017 BCLNA Young Member of the Year Award
Keith Wildeboer
Sponsor: Van Belle Nursery Inc.
Keith became a BCLNA member in 2006 when he joined his family business, TG Nursery & Sons Ltd.. He actively supports the industry and is currently on the Special Events Committee and the Grower’s Advisory Group. Along with his volunteer work in the industry and his expertise in the field, Keith and his brother, Will were also awarded the 2017 Grower of the Year award for TG Nursery & Sons.
2017 BCLNA Educator of the Year
Claudine Warburton
Sponsor: Schmunk Gatt Smith & Associates
Claudine from the Industry Training Authority, worked with our industry and with Employment and Social Development Canada this year on the apprenticeship harmonization project. Claudine facilitated multiple workshops and was responsible for rewriting the program outline. She also acted as our liaison with the HRSDC team in Ottawa (including forwarding our concerns regarding the number of levels and hours to become a journeyperson). She showed great diligence and dedication through the process.
2017 BCLNA Lifetime of Outstanding Service Award
Dave Redekop
Sponsor: Cedar Rim Nursery
In 1944 when Dave Redekop was 15, Henry Eddi, a BC nursery pioneer, called out the window of his car,” Do you want a job? Then bring your lunch and we will see you tomorrow”.
This began a lifelong legacy of contribution to the industry for Dave Redekop who went on to teach and share his knowledge of complex nursery production with countless people, many of whom are principals of the nursery industry today.
Dave, and his wife Lenore, continued building their business, eventually specializing in roses, while building succession of their business with their son Lorne and wife, Shirley. The third generation of Redekops, grandson Jeremiah, began his work in the business at age 3, helping Dave deliver plants in the truck. In the past few years, Jeremiah has taken Dave with him on delivery trips, completing the circle.
The number of people Dave helped with advice is renowned throughout the industry. Many learned the skills they needed from Dave and started their own business. He has continued to mentor many growers throughout his career. The BCLNA and the BC nursery industry is grateful and is pleased to honour Dave Redekop for his contribution to advancing the quality of nursery production. His openness in sharing his knowledge and skills with virtually anyone who asked for it sets him apart as a truly outstanding BCLNA member.