KPU is looking to develop courses and workshops on applied generative artificial intelligence (GAI) use in different industries and is creating a short-term advisory committee of future oriented community members that can tell them about what kind of things you hope you and your employees will learn in the coming months and years in order to make full use GAI in your sector. Your advice about what we need to be able to teach will have a direct impact on the programming we are about to build. In terms of time commitment, they are thinking of 4 one-hour meetings to take place monthly on Microsoft Teams over the course of the spring and early summer (February to May/June). The process will be to brainstorm, put together a framework, and share feedback – if preferred, they can meet on campus. For more information and to sign up, email Maria Kouzmina at [email protected] by December 22.

TerraLink Horticulture Inc.

Wholesale manufacturer and supplier of fertilizer, seed, growing media, amendments, pesticides, equipment and supplies for nurseries, greenhouses, landscapers and garden centres.


Contact: Gary Hunt
Email Gary Hunt

Phone: (604) 864-9044
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