BCLNA hosted our Japanese Beetle Technical Briefing Session on Monday, April 29, 2024.

This informative webinar provided updates on the 2024 eradication program and everything industry professionals need to know for working in the regulated area.

Presentations were given by:

Questions and Answers

What treatment is used to control Japanese Beetle? Are there current concerns around building a pesticide resistance and the cost of the current approach?

  • Acelepryn is the only larvicide we are using to treat for Japanese Beetle in the 2024 JB program. 
  • Due to the frequency of applications compared to the lifespan of a Japanese Beetle, there is not currently a concern about resistance: JB has one generation per year, and there is only one application of Acelepryn per year. 
  • Within designated 2024 JB Treatment Areas, the cost of Acelepryn is covered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The Ministry also pays the cost of application on private properties. Each municipality covers the cost of application on public properties.  

What resources can retail or wholesale nurseries provide to Landscapers to make sure they are educated?

What are the parameters necessary to meet to get a movement certificate for an in-ground nursery?

  • If the nursery is within a restricted zone, the movements would follow the rules as laid out within the movement restrictions for retail centres 
  • Plants being sold from inside the restricted zone to outside of the restricted zone would require a movement certificate. There are options for a singular movement or frequent movement certificate to individual sites outside of the zone.  

Presume a Landscaper is clearing a garden and digging out large shrubs. Can the soil be washed off the root balls, thereby making both the soil and the plants able to be moved?

  • Yes, if the shrub roots are cleaned, brushed, shaken and/or washed of any soil chunks larger than 0.5 inches or 12.7 mm, they would not require a movement certificate. Additionally, the soil could also be moved without a movement certificate after being removed from a plant.  
  • For a detailed description of ‘substantially free from soil’ review the definition given by the CFIA. 

Should the properties next to a Treatment Area be treated for Japanese Beetle as well?

Thank you for your cooperation!

  1. Work respectfully with City officials, the CFIA and other government officials.
  2. Inform your clients and business associates about the efforts and regulations to eradicate this pest. Advise them of the potential for added fees for disposal of soil and green waste.
  3. Please report any non-compliance of green waste and/or soil being removed from the area by sending the license plate and/or company name of the offender to the CFIA at
    [email protected]

Contacts and Resources

Area of ResponsibilityInvolved AgenciesWebsiteContact Information
Eradication EffortMinistry of Agriculture/Invasive Species Council of BChttps://bcinvasives.ca/invasives/japanese-beetleISCBC at 1-888-933-3722 or BC Ministry of Agriculture at 604-556-3001
SurveillanceCanadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)https://www.inspection.canada.ca/jbCFIA at 1-800-442-2342
Regulated Area & Movement RestrictionsCanadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)https://www.inspection.canada.ca/jbCFIA at 1-800-442-2342
Movement CertificatesCanadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)https://www.inspection.canada.ca/jbCFIA at 604-292-5742 or [email protected]
TreatmentBC Ministry of AgricultureTracy Hueppelsheuser at [email protected]
General Coordination and OutreachInvasive Species Council of BChttps://bcinvasives.ca/invasives/japanese-beetleISCBC at 1-888-933-3722
Professional Landscaper Technical InformationBCLNAhttps://bclna.com/japanesebeetle/japanese-beetle-information-for-the-landscape-industry/Angie Chamaa at 604-575-3500 ext. 102 or [email protected]

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Thrive Landscapes Ltd.

Qualicum Beach

Contact: Jacob Egglestone
Email Jacob Egglestone

Phone: (250) 927-0356