If you are looking to renew your pesticide applicator’s licence in the Landscape category, there are two tracks for recertification for current licence holders:
Option 1) Re-write the Landscape exam; cost is $90
Option 2) Recertify by collecting continuing education credits (CECs)
- Must have had a five-year certificate to qualify
- Must collect 20 CECs over five years: a maximum of 10 CECs can be collected in any one year (based on your certificate expiry date, not a calendar year)
- CECs must include a minimum of 3 CECs in the following categories: IPM, Safety and Environment Protection, and Application Technology
- Cost is $25 to recertify
- Minimum requirements to recertify
The Western Canada Turfgrass Association manages the collection and tracking of CECs for BCLNA members for a $30/year fee, payable in advance. BCLNA members must enroll with the WCTA to have CECs managed by their program.
For important details on recertifying and using the WCTA program, view the CEC Program Snapshot.