Reducing lawn watering remains the most effective way to ensure we are using our drinking water wisely during the summer months when demand is highest and rainfall is lowest. One morning per week provides adequate watering time to maintain a healthy lawn and achieve further water use reductions. Watering trees, shrubs, and flowers is permitted any day of the week.

This email is a reminder that Stage 1 watering restrictions will be in effect from May 1 until October 15, 2023 as outlined in Metro Vancouver’s Drinking Water Conservation Plan

Watering restrictions under Stage 1 are as follows:


  • Watering lawns
    • Even-numbered addresses on Saturdays and odd-numbered addresses on Sundays
    • Automatic watering – from 5:00AM to 7:00AM
    • Manual watering – from 6:00AM to 9:00AM
  • Watering of trees, shrubs, and flowers, excluding edible plants
    • Any day from 5:00AM to 9:00AM if using a sprinkler
    • Any day at any time if using a handheld hose, soaker hose, water container, or drip irrigation


  • Watering lawns
    • Even-numbered addresses on Mondays and odd-numbered addresses on Tuesdays
    • Automatic watering – from 4:00AM to 6:00AM
    • Manual watering – from 6:00AM to 9:00AM
  • Watering of trees, shrubs, and flowers, excluding edible plants
    • Any day from 4:00AM to 9:00AM if using a sprinkler
    • Any day at any time if using a handheld hose, soaker hose, water container, or drip irrigation

In cases of mixed zoning (where commercial or industrial uses are on the same property as residential) the property is designated as “Non-Residential.”

Watering soil-based and sand-based playing fields are permitted as follows:

  • Overnight from 7:00PM to 9:00AM, except:
    • If watering newly over-seeded fields in compliance with a member jurisdiction permit
    • If operating under a member jurisdiction’s approved water management plan

Learn more about Metro Vancouver’s water conservation resources

If you have any questions regarding Metro Vancouver’s Drinking Water Conservation Plan, please contact Nimet Alibhai at 604-436-6720.