The BC Landscape & Nursery Association (BCLNA) hosted its annual Awards Gala at the Delta Burnaby on December 5, 2024. The strength of the horticulture industry lies in the hundreds of hours given by so many dedicated members. BCLNA was very privileged to honour those who have helped the association thrive over the past year.
Award winners were nominated by their peers and reviewed by the BCLNA Board and staff members.
Seven awards were received:
2024 Garden Communicator of the Year - Sponsored by Clearview Horticultural Products
This award is presented to an individual providing outstanding communication to the public on garden and landscape topics, in addition to letting the public in on the next hot garden trend. The nominee does not have to be a BCLNA member.
2024 Educator of the Year - Sponsored by McTavish Resource & Management Consultants Ltd.
Jamie Lamont
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
This award is presented to a person who works primarily within horticulture, educating the industry and/or public about the industry or its products or services. This category includes horticulture educators and others who educate the public in specific green industry topics.
2024 Supplier of the Year - Sponsored by Schmunk Gatt Smith & Associates
The Supplier of the Year award is presented for outstanding service by an individual or company that supplies non-green goods or services to the industry. BCLNA members are fortunate to have a wide range of suppliers that support the membership in many ways, from discounts to sponsorships to assistance at Association events.
2024 Young Member of the Year - Sponsored by Van Belle Nursery Inc.
David Endacott
Atkinson Landscaping Inc.
The Young Member of the Year award is presented annually to one person aged 35 or younger whose service or contribution to the industry and the Association has been exemplary. This award recognizes volunteer time, extraordinary efforts, and financial or other contributions to the BCLNA or its members. The importance of bringing young industry members into our Association can’t be overstated. They have the ability to look at issues from a new perspective.
2024 Volunteer of the Year - Sponsored by Paridon Horticultural Ltd.
This Award honours a member who has provided significant time away from their business, whether it’s assisting with training sessions, meeting the public at an event, or serving on a committee. Meanwhile, they keep their own business running, their clients satisfied and their staff productive.
2024 Member of The Year - Sponsored by Pine Meadows Tree Farms Ltd.
The BCLNA Member of the Year is presented to a person whose services or contributions to the industry and to the Association have been exemplary.
2024 Lifetime of Outstanding Service - Sponsored by Cedar Rim Nursery Ltd.
This award is the highest honour at BCLNA, for outstanding service or contribution to the Association and the industry by an individual who is, or has been, an active member or an employee of an active member. Service includes activities such as volunteering, extraordinary effort, and financial or other contributions to the Association or individual members. This award is nominated and chosen by BCLNA's Past Presidents.